Today has been a very frustrating day. The God of Karma has been saving up all my bad luck from the 14th August and rained it down on me all day. They say things come in threes, and I wouldn’t want to disapoint an old cliche with my own series of three unfortunate events.
(I do find it a little odd that both this post and my previous one talk about bad luck, but hey ho, that’s the way the cookie crumbles)
The first happened early this afternoon. I went to a friends house and she was complaining about the internet password used by her former housemates. Without going in to too many details, it was sick, wrong and twisted. No problem I said, I’m a guy (of the deadly hunter-gatherer variety), we enjoy fixing things for women.
Changing the password for your wireless internet is a job of about 30 seconds, access the router (duh! By going to stupid!) update the password, click save then update the passwords on the computers accessing the wireless network. No biggie, I’ve done it loads of times before on other routers.
Except this time, sods law caught up with me and what should have been a 30 second job turned into 2 hours of frustrating, hair pulling, pleading and bargaining time spent trying to get the damn computers to work. My friend was convinced I’d broken her internet, but it’s not supposed to work like that, it’s just damn unlucky that the moment you mess around with someone elses computer to ‘fix’ it, everything goes wrong.
After wasting two hours of my time, I did eventually fix it, but the lesson was learned, never offer to fix anyone elses computer. Even if it’s for a girl.
The second round of bad luck came early this evening. I invited a Kenyan expat over to watch the Man U v Arsenal match and we decided to order a take away. Calling up, I was unconvinced that they understood the order. Regardless, we opened a couple of beers and settled down to watch the game.
A couple of hours later, it was apparent that no food was going to turn up, so we got an Indian friend to call up the place. Typically, they had no record of our order, so we went ahead and tried to place it again, the conversation went something like this.
Friend: “We want 3 chicken rolls and a mutton biriyani. M-U-T-T-O-N. Oh, no mutton, umm, ok, fine, chicken biriyani.”
A few minutes later we get a phone call.
Friend: “oh, no chicken biriyani either. Fine, we’ll just have 5 chicken rolls. OK? Good”
I should point out that this is a very regular occurance in restaurants in Chennai, it’s really not uncommon to have the waiter come back to you after placing the order and tell you that that dish or drink is not available. A classic case is illustated in one my previous posts about my quest to get some idlies. Anyway, you can’t get stressed about it, it’s just TII
Eagerly expecting our food, the phone rang again a few minutes later…
Friend: “What? No chicken rolls? OK, what about paneer rolls? OK, fine. No paneer rolls. This is a take away restaurant you are trying to run here, right? You’re not moonlighting as a stationary shop or something? What? Oh never mind. No, we don’t want anything else, cancel the order. No, we don’t want to order anything…No, we don’t want the paneer rolls because you said you didn’t have any! Sorry, am I talking to a chimpanzee?”
Sidenote: Anyone searching for information on Tandoori Wala in Chennai, avoid at all costs! They don’t speak English or Tamil (we were lucky we had a Hindi speaking friend), they don’t take down your orders and they never have any of the food on their menu! What kind of mickey mouse restaurant is this? On top of that, the prices are at least double what you would pay else where.
So another lesson was learned today. Tandoori Wala in Chennai should be avoided like the plague.
By this point the God of Karma was having a field day and looking down on me in glee as I carried on watching the match, albeit very very hungry. Still, I had my beer, right? Well, so I thought…
The final round of bad luck came during the game. In what can only be described as a freak series of unfortunate events, the way everthing came together at the right moment to create utter destruction verged on the poetic.
First off, we were watching the Man U v Arsenal match. It was the second half and I went to the fridge to pour a couple more cold beers. As I stood behind my friend to hand him his beer, Arsenal decided at that exact moment to have a very close shot on goal and my friend threw back his arms, knocking the beer flying across the room and smashing against my baby laptop (my wonderful Asus eeePC ) spilling beer all across the floor and all over my keyboard.
Without thinking, I carefully (even your unconscious mind cares about beer) put the other beer glass down by the chair I was sitting in (which was on the other side of the room) and scampered over to my netbook which was making a worrying crackling noise. Meanwhile my friend also leapt in to action and rushed to get a mop and bucket to clean it all up. As I was tending to my netbook, he shoved my seat out of the way, sending the other beer glass flying and giving about half a dozen shoes a proper beer shampoo.
I learned my final lesson of the day (and hey, every day is a school day, right?): don’t invite Kenyan expats round to eat, watch football and drink beer!
The rest of this post is only for uber-computer geeks. Normal people can stop reading now.
(seriously, unless you actually own a minimum of two computers and have a computer parts graveyard somewhere in your (moms) house, don’t even bother continuing)
After spilling beer on my precious baby laptop, many of the keys became stuck / stopped working, for example the Num Lock key was permanently on with no way to switch it off (which rendered the U, I, O keys useless unless I planned to do lots of spreadsheets) and so was the F1 key, so every programme I opened up, it kept opening the help pages and would go in to a loop of “help automatically opens” => “manually close help” => “help automatically opens” => “manually close help” (you get the idea).
So I did some research and found that you can manually remap (change / swap) keys on your keyboard. I downloaded a free program called KeyTweak and was able to disable both the Num Lock and F1 keys, making my keyboard usable again. This is probably very useful if you’ve spilt your drink all over your laptop keyboard and some keyboard keys have stopped working or default to the ‘on’ status.
My brother urinated on the keyboard of our Spectrum, many moons ago. In his sleep. That beats beer any day of the week.
1) Just wanted to point out that I’m not some complainy person, honest! I wasn’t complaining for the hell of it… it was cos u were wanting the assword to get the WIFI on ur phone… and I had to prefix it with “I didn’t set the password, the wierdos who lived here before me did.”
2) And you didn’t even manage to change the password in the end anyway!
3) To refute what you say Re Tandoori Wala, The Wierdos Who Lived Here Before Me considered Tandoori Wala as a kind of food-Mecca. It was their staple diet, always happily delivered on time for them.
4) Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Now I can rip the piss out of George as much as he does me.
1. The wifi password is a hexadecimal number … how can that be sick or twisted?
2. Tell me where you can get good north indian food delivered in Chennai for half the price of TW. I want to order from them next time I’m in town!
3. Prove your geek credentials by modding your semi-broken asus. Maybe a touch screen where the broken keyboard is would be cool. Also, a bottle opener coming out of the unused modem port (assuming your model has that) could be useful.
Tandoori Wala does suck big time! This was the third time I’ve tried them and the 3rd time they screwed up. Even when Prashant spoke to them in Hindi, they still didn’t have a frigging clue what was going on. Frankly they couldn’t find their arse with their hands.
The unencrypted form of the password is not so subtle, Ed! Something about dead cows?
I’ve taken the wussy way out with my Eeeeeeeeeee, I’m going to take it to be repaired and get a new keyboard.
The unencrypted password is just a number close to 1.76424238 × 10^31, when written in HEX any pattern is purely coincidental
Tandori Wala may suck big time but the challenge is to find somewhere better for the same price. The Aravind Pizza Service doesn’t count. Red E gives better service but the price is almost double.
I want to know what this password is… Also I cant wait to order Tandoori Wala.