
How I Ended Up In Colombo For Christmas

For the last three years I’ve spent my Christmas in Chennai. Each year we went back to the Taj Connemara for their Christmas brunch, which is pretty good with all the turkey, roast vegetables, pigs in blankets and so on, but to do it again for a fourth year. Just no. Not again.

A Tale About Socks

“Meuw, meuw, meuw, meuw, meuw” came a squeaking noise from the bushes. “Hey, it’s a little kitten!” my wife exclaimed. “Are you sure? It sounds more like a high pitch chirp from a bird” I replied, confident in my avian chirp recognition. A motorbike zoomed past, its headlight briefly illuminated the bush and silhouetted a… Continue reading

Life in Chennai is Now Uber

Taxi services. Little has changed in the last 50 years. You call up the taxi company, ask for a taxi to pick you up and you wait patiently for them to arrive. Only it’s not always that simple in Chennai, especially for a foreigner (although I consider myself more of an almost-PIO nowadays). You call… Continue reading

That Devil Called Inflation

To my utter surprise, I’m coming up to completing five years of living in India. Being an expat usually means you are paid more than the local workers, and India’s strict foreigner employment laws almost guarantees that. One of the things about living in a developing country is that there is incessant, non-stop, almost frantic,… Continue reading