Date archives "June 2006"

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain. It was invented in the UK you know. But as with so many great British inventions in the past, other countries took our ideas and made them bigger and better.

Monsoon season has officially struck India, and we’ve gone from lazy sunny days to lazy rainy days. It’s been non-stop torrential rain for the last 72 hours. It’s like mother nature is attempting to dump the entire Indian Ocean over Chennai.

See, if I wanted rain – I’d have stayed back in the UK.

Chennai is now looking a lot like Venice with most of the roads being turned into great canels. For actual real life proof check chennai monsoon photos (opens in a new window).

Earlier on this month I told the world that I have a new love in my life. Now I know I caused distress and devistation to women around the world when I made these comments, so I thought it’s about time I put them out of their misery and come clean about this new love.


It’s amazing stuff. I drink it all the time now. Until I came to India I never touched it, ever. But now, being in India I decided to go a bit crazy and do things that I’ve never done before (such as eating that McChicken sandwich from McDonalds the other day), and drinking coffee is one of them.

Yeah, I know I’m being completely reckless, and some people are beginning to wonder where will all this crazyness will lead. A new hair style? Buying a T-shirt from a non-chain shop with a slightly edgy slogan on it? Buying a pair of non-branded trainers? Coming up with some jokes that don’t involve sex? Surely that will make me a changed man.

OK, I’ll pull my tongue out of my cheek now :~)

At the moment, I’m suffering (altogether now, Awww!) from a terrible cold. Once again, if I wanted a cold, I’d have stayed in the UK! Jeez.

A lot of the Agriya office is down with it at the moment, especially amongst the group of people that I work most closely with. All my freshers had it, my webmasters had/got it and Aravind has it too.

Thank God for paracetamol though! The worst thing about colds is the constant drip drip of mucus from your nose and coughing up all the phlegm as your body gets rid of all the nastiness. Yummy!

Finally, yesterday we had loads of candidates in the office as we gave a presentation on our newest business venture. The candidates are required to go out and about in Chennai and gather certain data and record it in digital format. The more data they collect the more they get paid. If they go all out, they can probably earn around Rs 4000 in a week – which is about £40. This is pretty good money in India though.

That’s enough rambling from me now. I just wrote this to put off some stuff that I really have to do but really don’t have the motivation to do. But I guess now it has to be done…
