
Interviews In India

For the past week I’ve been interviewing “freshers” from the Southern Indian universities. There are six positions available, 2 designers, 2 programmers and 2 quality controllers. The plan is to take these freshers on for work experience – but unlike the UK, it’s not going to be for just a few weeks, this is going… Continue reading

Indian Food

Now there’s going to be a few raised eyebrows for anybody that knows me personally when I tell you this… Indian food is lovely! Once we got over the fact that you don’t need to add 10 chilli’s to add taste, the food is really nice. Everyday is something different and always nice. Once the… Continue reading

Living in India

Wow, first blog post from India! I’ve been here for 3 days now and I’m still not dead. And as an added bonus I still haven’t caught any weird and wonderful tropical disease that turns your face inside out, makes your eyeballs boil and your skin fall off – but hey, there’s still time. So… Continue reading

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain. It was invented in the UK you know. But as with so many great British inventions in the past, other countries took our ideas and made them bigger and better. Monsoon season has officially struck India, and we’ve gone from lazy sunny days to lazy rainy days. It’s been non-stop torrential rain for the… Continue reading