This website operates a “dofollow” blog comment policy. We believe that people who provide useful, insightful, and authentic comments should be recognized in the community. If you provide helpful content, you should be rewarded for it.
All comments are reviewed and manually approved.
We are under no obligation
We only approve comments with website links that meet the following criteria:
- Home page link only – no sub-pages on your website, no sub-domains, no affiliate links
- Exceptions may be made for social media profile links, assuming they meet the rest of the criteria
- Human names only – no keywords, website names, or business names in the website link. You have a people name, use it 😎
- Family-friendly content – if you wouldn’t show your website to a child, then it won’t be approved
- Legitimacy – some websites are just shady. Think crypto, CBD, pharma, “get rich quick”, link farms, PBNs, etc. the list is never-ending, but anything like that is not approved
- Human – we can recognize a dull, lifeless “me too” ChatGPT comment from a mile away. We approve comments from humans that contain anecdotes, experience, humor, and personality.
Of course, this policy attracts hoards of spammers, blackhats, bots, and other nasties from the underbelly of the internet.
If we think a comment is genuinely useful for the reader and adds insight to the original article, but the website link falls foul of our policies, we might remove the link but still publish the comment under a pseudonym.
This “dofollow” blog comment policy can and will be updated and amended at any time as bad-faith actors attempt to find creative ways to circumvent the approval criteria.